I first looked at “Teaching Writing across the Curriculum” by Art Young. Although this article was extremely lengthy I was able to soak up the information I found very useful. The article was written for Professors that provided how to use writing across the curriculum in your classroom. It spoke about WAC theories and how to practice it. What I liked about this article was that Young did not gear it towards just English department teachers, but teachers of all subjects.
Young had said “One way to think about the classroom uses of writing is to consider writing as a valuable tool for learning as well as for communication” (9). This quote stood out for me because I agree that writing is a tool of communication. Teachers of all subjects need to realize that by understanding their students, assessing their students and having their students convey their thoughts to the teacher can all be taken in forms of writing. Writing is a huge form of communication because it opens doors for students to say what they want on paper instead person to person which can be more confrontational. As a student myself I tend to show my real self and language through the papers I am told to right rather then if I were to have a one on one conversation with my teacher. As a teacher I tend to see my students show more of their personalities through their writing.
Young had stated that the relationship between writing and communication is important, “these processes are interrelated and overlapping” (12). Writing and communication goes hand in hand.
This also goes into the point that the author Berkenkotteretal was trying to make. He had thought that the linguistics of the classroom was extremely important and can affect someone’s writing. Linguistics as we know is the study and science of language. So he also correlates language (communication) to writing.
In the “Non Designs Design Book” we see chapter 7 giving us tips on how to create and design ways that can convey the information we want to give to people (ex: business cards, flyers, newsletters, brochures, postcards, newspaper ads, etc…) These to me are forms of communication through writing.
I came up with the conclusion that writing and communication goes hand in hand with each other. Which ever comes first the other one always seem to follow. They both aid to help each other; can you agree with me on this statement?
I agree with you, Rosemarie, about your overall main idea that writing and communication coincide because "writing is clearly not a single, autonomous skill.... And writing in formal schooling can prepare - or fail to prepare - people for a lifetime of involvements in modern culture..." (WACNM, p. 265). This quote sums up the importance of WAC and of understanding that writing is thoughts and thoughts are everything - culture, lifestyles, emotion, etc. Most of the formal writing done in school fails to present writing as an active tool that can be useful for communicating thoughts from all areas of that student’s life. Meaning, students should be taught to use writing as a multivariable tool to communicate their ever-transforming thoughts and lifestyle changes.
However, I am not sure if I agree with you that writing always shows the “true self” of the student. I understand when you say that the student will open up more on paper than face to face, but I think it has more to do with time to reflect on ones thoughts and the material. Writing allows for more careful and planned out communication as compared to verbal communication (hopefully), so it allows for the teacher to recognize the student’s voice. Still, I know for myself I take on different tones, attitude or emotion based on my audience, my mood, and sometimes the amount of time I have to complete the paper, whereas when asked a question or when engaged in a discussion face to face there is body language and facial expression to provide the teacher with personality, with a raw answer, on exactly how well the student can communicate or understands the material (learn).
Also, I was thinking about Young and I am wondering about “writing to learn” and “writing to communicate.” I really like that Young creates “middle ground” where a classroom becomes a space for both writing to learn and communicate (57). It is a combination of expressive writing and/or trial and error as well as informative and transactional writing. I think writing to learn and writing to communicate go hand-in-hand because it is a way for the student (self) and the responder (audience) to move forward in any literacy or discourse. What do you think commenter?
I would like to also disagree with the idea that writng shows the "true self" of the student. What if they hand in something that they didn't put their all into, then does that really count as the students "true self," I don't think it does. I believe a part of the students writing will show a piece of themselves, but most definitely not their complete and true self.
As far as Young and his writing to learn and writing ideas, I think are really great. He separates them in a way for us to break them down and understand each one individually, but he also shows us a way that they can be used together as discovery and critical thinking (pg 9). I agree with you also McNiff when you say they go hand in hand, because I think Young also thinks that as well. I also think it's a great way to get the writing into the classroom, learning and communicating through writing, I think, will help the students want to learn, and want to write better.
What about Berkenkotter? Did you like her research and think it was accurate? I was up in the air about her article. I think her method on page 216 was a clear understanding of the steps it takes to establish your field. I don't like her thoughts on the writers voice (pg 219-220). I think that a writers voice is important in teaching writing because you want the writer's voice to come out in their writing, at least that's what I think. She says "Who are these accomplished teachers, writers, and thinkers who uniqely honor a writer's voice? Well I believe all teachers should honor the writers voice, because isn't writing your thoughts, ideas, etc?
I agree with what you said Joey. I do think when someone is writing something it should relate to their true self because then they can take a true sense of ownership. They are relating who they are, and the experiences they have encounter and truly write and reflect on them. I think that is a huge component in writing, and I think it motivates people to write because who they are shines through it. I believe that a student's true self should shine through their work because it shows ownership, and because as the writer your work should reflect your persona. I believe everyone's work has some connection to who they are even if it is simply a fiction story. Something about a persons life has affected them in a way that will alter their work, their writing, and who they are as a person. Each and everything we go through is an experience and it helps us discover who we are, as well as alters who we are. We learn, we grow, we experience things and these things compiled help who we are as people. This applies to writing because the content discussed in one's writing comes from within them, what they know, what they've learned through experience, and ultimately I do believe it reveals a portion of their "true self".
As far as Berkenkotter, I was up in the air too. I must say, I do again agree with you. And as for writer's voice, I think that is extremely important as well. The writer's voice in my opinion is a huge factor in the writing process. I can understand sometimes how it may alter a reader's interpretation of piece, but as the writer, the author, your voice is the one that initally counts. I mean, come on. Shouldn't a writers voice be disguishable? Shouldn't it be clear and obvious? As the writer I dont think there is any other way to produce something without learning of the writer's voice. As a teacher, I think it is incredibly important to see your students' voice come out in their work. This relates back to what I was saying about ownership of the piece. This is what disguishes the differences between writers, don't ya think? How do you feel about this? Do you think a writer's voice should be disguised, or hidden, or even absolete? I don't. What is a piece without the writer's voice? Why write something without it? Even writing outside of the first person, a writers voice should shine through. As a writer myself, and as a teacher, I want my voice to be noticeable, and I want my students' voice to show. It is unique, it can be very thought provoking. I think it's a must!! So, sorry Berkenkotter, I disagree with you, big time!
<3 Moody
After reading the blogs, I have to agree with both Scarpa and Moody. You,as well as your students,should be able to relate to the your true self. It is extremely difficult to write about something you have no experience with or know nothing about. Therefore, whenever possible, I try to give my students a writing assignment that they can relate to. Most of the essays I require in my exams is in the is in the form of a journal entry. I choose a character from the novel we are currently reading and ask them to put themself in that character's place. They can express their own thoughts, feelings, etc. but need to use information from the novel to back it up. Now, since they are the character, they try harder, write more and usually, get the full 25 out of 25 points. I find this a very good way to assess my students without inflicting too much pain; they do not consider it essay writing. What do you think?
After reading Young, I went back to the section with the chart concerning writing to learn, writing to communicate and critical understanding. This reminded me of what we attempt to do when preparing the students to take the ELA Regents. We try to stimulate the thinking process with various forms of writing practices (write to learn), use critical thinking with the Critical Lens section of the test (writing to communicate) and then use facts from several works of literature to support their critical understanding and persuade the reader. I know it is not exactly the same but I can make a connection to Young's chart. Anyone agree/disagree?
I also liked Young's section on various forms of writing such as the one minute essay where you ask the class to answer a question about the reading, or what they learned or any questions they may have about the lesson. I did something similar to that in my Sophomore class today in the form of an exit card. I asked the students to write on an index card (which I provided) what they thought was happening with the characters Caroni and Brother Leon from THE CHOCOLATE WAR by Cormier. Most of the students were right on the mark but several wrote "I don't have a clue". Now, I know that for Monday's class, I have to "revisit" that chapter of the book and ask questions so that all are on the same page.
In Chapter 11 of WAC, I found the four things students need in order "to achieve the kind of involvement necessary in oreder to write a new genre successfully".
The things are motivation, identity, tools and processes (284-289). It is necessary for students to be involved and motivated in what they are doing. They need to have an active voice and be heard.
The students to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them as well as assignment sheets and grading criteria. Lastly, there should be a writing process which allows the students to learn how to write, edit, reflect on their writing and enough time to rewrite before the final paper is due.
I agree with Ann that it is extremely difficult to write about something you have no experience with. I think she is right when she says that it is important to give your students assignments they can relate to. Young talks about how important communication is and he is right. However one can only communicate well with their students, if they are able to relate to them.
I think Berkenkotter is wrong when he states a writer's voice should be neutral.How many great speeches would we have lost, if we all followed that advice.A writer`s voice is the pathway to their soul.It is part of what makes us who we are. Berkenkotter could not be more wrong, one can be fair to different points of view when they write and still keep their own voice.
Thank you, Donald, for your response to my entry. I know how busy you are and, if you are anything like me, a little stressed with all that we need to do both with school and our lives in general.
Communication is extremely important especially with the students you are teaching. These days nothing can viewed as just black or white - there are many shades in between. Not only should there be communication inside the classroom but also outside. Some students are wrestling with problems outside of school and you should be aware that these issues may cause your students to be a little out of it and, thereby, not performing to the best of their ability.
Donald, I liked your thoughts on a writer's voice. I agree that it is definitely the pathway to his/her soul. Writers can and do inspire people with their words. Even students can inspire and you you a totally different outlook on a particular subject.
I liked what Ann said about communication needing to happen inside the classroom as well as outside the classroom. The Berkenkotter was a bit windy but, on page 213, she made a valuable point. She says, “Papers and publications are among a research community’s communicative forums… In this sense, to publish and to be cited is to enter the community’s discourse.” I think that this lends itself to both types of communications. Papers, to me, are academic and institutionalized forms of communication that are used within a structured setting, like a classroom. In the classroom, like Rosemarie said, you don’t have time to process your thoughts, because you are being rushed. A paper allows you to analyze what you want to communicate and do so effectively. Once you have the knowledge of the subject of your paper, you can bring that literacy back into the classroom or outside of the classroom and discuss that subject in other places.
Young takes this a step further on the top of page 37 when she says that WAC is designed to improve written communication abilities, “by saying that learning to write effectively is dependent on the students’ knowledge of the subject matter as well as their understanding of the social context for the writing.” To me this is about being able to effectively discuss your subject in and out of the classroom. This is bringing that paper you wrote, not only back to your history class to be able to enter that community, but they being able to apply what you learned in history to literature. By knowing the history of the time period, you will better understand the book. Not only have you entered the discourse community of history, but now have that knowledge to communicate somewhere else.
I also agree with you and Ann, communication inside and outside the classroom is crucial. Inside is the most important, but outside communication plays a part too. I like that you agree with Berkenkotter when she says that publication helps you to enter the writers discourse community. A paper is your ideas and expressions written down, it's important to show yourself in your work, and you can do it at your own pace, like you said, Nicoll. I still like to stick with my thoughts about the writers voice, I think it's really important for every writer in and discourse to have their own voice. In any subject a paper is the best way to establish writing in the classroom.
Young has an idea designed to improve writing communication abilities. Knowing your subject inside out. Youngs most effective methods for writing to communicate include critical thinking, revision, formal language, etc. (pg 9). These are all effective in the communication because thinking about your topic is the basis for any paper, then revision is the next important task, with this you can communicate with your peers and teacher to understand where you need help and what you need to add or cut for your paper, it's the best way to use writing to communicate in my opinion. What do you think about Youngs writing to communicate methods? Writing is a valuable tool for learning Young says, and thats why using it across the curriculum is so important. Just think how much better students would write if their teacher in every classroom graded their grammar as well as the papers content, or if the teacher would assign small writing assignments, even if they were once a week, it's better than no writing in the classroom at all. A class journal is a great way to get the writing done (pg 16). it's a simple yet effective way to increase the chances of getting better writing out of the students. I think low stakes writing should be a way to tell where a student is with their writing, and it's up to the teacher to take it from there.
I like a few of Berkenkotter's ideas, but as far as overall I think Young is definitely on to something because he breaks down the writing to learn and the writing to communicate processes, but he is also able to bring them back together in the end. What do you guys think about Young and Berkenkotter? Which ideas did you like better?
First, I would like to say that I absolutely agree with Rosemarie when she states that “writing and communication go hand in hand with each other.” I also would agree with both Nicoll and Ann when they state that communication needs to happen both inside and outside of the classroom. I believe that communication among members of a discourse community is essential to any discourse community. After all, we all know that one of the best ways to learn is through communication. I also believe that Nicoll was correct to point to the quotation on page 213 of Berkenkotter. The quotation states “Papers and publications are among a research community’s communicative forums… In this sense, to publish and to be cited is to enter the community’s discourse.” I also believe that this is a very valuable point.
Nicoll discussed how this quote lends itself to both types of communication, meaning communication both inside and outside of the classroom. I would like to expand on this point. As Nicoll has already stated, papers and publications are essential elements in academic settings, such as undergraduate and graduate classrooms, for example. They certainly do expand a student’s knowledge base. I believe that Nicoll has done a very nice job with explaining the purpose and connection of papers and publications as communication within the classroom. I would specifically like to expand on the use of such writing outside of the classroom.
I personally believe that reading these communicative papers and publications outside of the classroom, and specifically by choice, can at times be more beneficial than their use inside the classroom setting. When an individual is referred to or seeks out a particular paper/publication on their own, the motivation to become a member of the discourse community and or the interest in the material and specifically in the discourse community with which it is associated is enough to spark more effective communication, and therefore learning, of the material than through obligated/assigned class work.
What I am saying is that sometimes when people chose their own readings, based on interest, these readings can be more effective at communicating ideas/jargon/support of a particular discourse community rather than reading papers or publications that are assigned by a professor or a superior. This is just another perspective. Do you understand what I mean? Would you agree with this idea? And if so, can you possibly state it more clearly for everyone else? I was having a slightly difficult time explaining my theory. Can you elaborate on my idea or present a alternative but connected perspective?
Rachael Albanese
Albanese, I think I get what you are saying. It all has to do with research. I believe that you’re talking about the freedom to choose what you want to read about on a particular topic. Are you writing about discovering new theorists based on your interest in how they state their theories? I’ve found that you can read about the same theory written by two different authors and even though the theory is the same your reaction isn’t. One author may clearly explain the theory and provide specific, clear and concrete examples while the other seems to be too abstract; despite they fact they are both writing about the same exact topic. For example, Bean and Rose were discussing similar ideas a couple of weeks ago when I was researching for my class presentation. Rose was too abstract and didn’t make any sense to me whatsoever but Bean was right on the money and straight to the point about everything.
As far as this week’s readings are concerned, I found a very interesting quote from WACNM by David Russell. In the section where he’s discussing the basic undergraduate liberal studies structure he says, “The ambiguous role of writing in general or liberal education, and the genres students and teachers choose and reject, put the students’ and professors’ motives and identities into a complex negotiation as they choose, reject and transform discursive tools appropriated from the disciplines and personal lives they bring to the classroom.” (283) I remember as an undergrad I found t his to be so true. Whenever I was forced to enter the Biology classroom or the Philosophy classroom, I saw myself as a stranger to who I really was. Because I was forced to write on topics that I wasn’t comfortable with, I witnessed my writing change (for the worse) and take a shape I wasn’t familiar with. My thoughts suffered and my grades suffered. I felt totally out of place in those courses, from sitting in class to writing large term papers; I was no longer the student of English or Secondary Education that could write an “A Paper” with my eyes closed. Did anyone else ever experience this? Do you agree? Disagree?
Thank you Ann for your response. I think you made a great point that what goes on outside of the classroom is very important.Our students are impacted by what goes on in their daily lives. These things impact the way they go about learning.That is why it is extremely important for the teacher to relate the content in the classroom to what is going on in the students daily lives.
I like what James had to say about how two different people can write about the same topic, but it can come across with two totally different meanings.If Fox news and MSNBC are talking about the same topic, it will seem like two completely different discourses. One slant will be right to center, while the other will be left to center. The same thing can be said with newspapers if you are reading about the same topic in the New York Post and the New York Times, it will read much different. one article will be written at a different level, and both articles will be impacted by their poltical view points.
I think James makes a great point about how different a student can feel based on how comfortable they are with the material.I know that I felt very dumb in Spanish classes, when I didn`t understand a word anyone was saying.A student will be more alert and more themself, when they understand the material.When they don`t understand the material, they will lose intrest and they will lose their voice and who they are for as long as the class goes on.
Mr. Eugenio,
In thanking Ann, Ritter commented on your post, but I will comment too. I find it a little surprising that you felt uncomfortable entering and writing in your Biology and Philosophy classrooms. I would have thought that this kind of discomfort would have been reserved for graduate studies and beyond. Speaking of this, in reading Young, I was struck by Ed’s naiveté in thinking that he could really get away with handing in a research paper in that kind of condition. To write like this, even on the undergraduate level, is to my way of thinking, inexcusable. But once again, we teachers are to roll up our sleeves and get busy. Well, Young is absolutely right. In many of my literature courses, I was assigned a major essay, and given a deadline. Of the five literature courses that I took here at CSI, only once was I asked to turn in a preliminary draft for criticism and suggestions/comments. Just as Young writes, they assign it; then, they remind you, give you a few suggestions, and you are on your own. Of course, this is the master’s level, and they are assuming that by the time you get here, you’ve learned how to write. But to return to Young and Ed’s research paper:
I totally agree that writing essays should be taught and done as a process, and despite Ed’s nerve in turning in his essay, a process would have salvaged this work into something much better—something more unified.
My first post,
Garth and Donald,
Thanks for commenting on my post. First, to Garth, I always felt inadequate in those subjects. I'm used to creating abstract ideas based on concrete evidence, so having to create concrete evidence based on abstract ideas presented to me in a philosphy course was always tough for me.
Now for Donald. I'm so glad you agreed with me. I too find it funny how certain news organizations can report the same story but through a different lens based on their political biases. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt out of place in a course that wasn't in their academic discipline. I felt like the professors never got to know the real me and that they viewed me as just a typical uncaring and struggling student (which is the total opposite of who I am.) It is certainly a tough spot to be in.
I agree with you James. Many teachers tend not to care or understand their students. They treat all students as if they are the same, learn the same, and write the same. I also agree with Rosemarie when she says that “writing and communication go hand in hand with each other.” We simply can not have one without the other both Young and Williams make that very clear. Young is not only describing writing in an English classroom, showing its significance and means of communication in every classroom. Williams' readings compliments Youngs thoughts as writing taking place inside and outside of classrooms, as he shows us several forms of important communication tools and strategies to send a message acrooss through writing. Every literacy has to deal with writing and communicating. This idea is also supported by Nicoll and Ann who say that the communication that exist outside of the classroom is very significant in understanding writing. As teachers we should understand that our students communicate outside of our classrooms; therefore, every student will come to us with theri own individual voice and way of writing. That's why Young suggests class journals as a good way of getting writing done (16). In journal writing students can express themselves using their emotions, voice, and informal language (that of which they are comfortable with) from communicating outside of the classroom.
Thank you for commenting on my post. I agree that the writing is the best way for a student to express themselves. It gives you time to work out what you have to say. I think your idea about a writer's own vioce is important as well. It allows a student to agree and/or disagree with what they are being taught and it allows them to justify themselves. Writing allows students to form an opinion which is important to joining a community.
I liked your interpretation of Young's methods. I thought it was nice they way you pointed out the importance of revision. I also think that giving small writing assignments is a good way to help students develop writing skills. However, you must also keep in mind not to overwhelm the student with assignments so that their work succeeds instead of fails.
-- Nicoll
Crystal -
I like what you have to say on this topic. Writing as communication has always been a very important milestone in our history. Early humans are considered to have entered a different age when they invented language as a means of communitcation; why is it so neglected now?
Communcation is more than just writing the words, its developing an internal language and being able to develop that language into a viable tool to carry the student throughout his/her various discourses.
I think this is one of the reasons we are required to blog so much. What we produce in class, or for a higher stakes grade may be guarded more closely than what we write in a blogosphere.
The imnprtance of learning how to put things together in an appropriate manner is very imprtant to students of all levels in all classrooms. Whether they need to know where to place the "-" sign in math to make an equation make sense, or where the comma goes, or how to align the words on a web page, it's all about taking thei rinternal language and molding it to their external environment; which is where WAC comes in. It's also imprtant for teachers to have an understanding of what makes the reading mind work, and find enjoyment in readiong, as a gatewy to writing.
Thank you for the response Joey. I agree with you that the writers voice is an important part of teaching writing. I think its what makes writing enjoyable for the writer and enjoyable for the reader. An undeveloped voice can be boring and distracting for the reader and it can also become a problem for the writer who is trying to communicate because the voice may come across as unnatural.
Also, as Berkenkotter states, "When teachers, writers, and researchers comment on the phenomenon of voice, they usually stay on a metaphorical level" (p 220). I think she is right about that idea. How do you describe voice to a student? I mean in concrete, definitive terms? I think its very difficult, because every student will not truly understand how to write in their own voice until they practice and develop voice.
My Second Post:
Thank you for taking the time to understand and reinterpret what I was attempting to say. I wasn’t sure if I was expressing my ideas clearly enough. However, since you grasped what I was attempting to say, I believe it is safe to assume that I made at least some sense to others, while making perfect sense to myself. Freedom to choose what you would like to read about a topic is definitely part of what I was talking about. To answer your question, I was writing about discovering new theorists based on your interest in how they state their theories, but I was also talking about discovering new theories based on reading works of theorists you are already interested in. And I certainly agree with you, when you state “I’ve found that you can read about the same theory written by two different authors and even though the theory is the same your reaction isn’t.” You are absolutely correct and you provide an excellent explanation for your theory. I also think you were correct to point to the example of Bean and Rose. I think the quote you pointed to from WACNM by David Russell was an interesting and true point. I completely agree with this quote and I believe it is even somewhat related to my previous post. I am particularly referring to where Russell states “the genres students and teachers choose and reject.” Although Russell is referring to student and teachers’ choice of writing and I was referring to students and teachers’ choice of reading, I thoroughly believe that each mode of choice plays a crucial role in the teaching and learning process. In other words, I am saying that each individual will learn best from reading specific texts of their choice, those which interest and engage them, as will they learn best from writing in particular formats of their choice, those which best reflect their learning style. I also can relate to the undergraduate experience you wrote about in reference to the quote and I believe it further supports my theory as well.
Rachael Albanese
I found your post extremely interesting. I agree that we must teach our students how to develop as writers and how to recognize the importance of the process. Your comment that communication is neglected reminds me of the WACNM passage that states “[o]ordinarily, students must see themselves as students, mastering a discrete body of information and skills—until they find themselves in contact with professional networks” Russell 266). When I read this in conjunction with your post I cannot help but think of how students often learn how to write either for the test, for the homework assignment, or for the grade, all without realizing that when they leave school, they will still be responsible for both written and verbal communication. I don’t think many students realize that in order to succeed in the real world, they must develop as writers and communicators that can apply their skills to any situation.
I found your statement about blogging as an alternative to high stakes writing interesting. Would you, or anyone else agree, that blogging is a writing to learn process because we are free to think out our ideas and make mistakes? The comments we receive on our blogs can help shape and define our thinking in a safe way that does not bear on our grade. Writing allows for “discovery” and “critical understanding” that we may latter use in class discussions, our presentations, or even our larger assignments (Young 12).
Your comment that teachers must understand how the reading mind works reminds me of an exercise I did in an Education Course in which we had to read Night and narrate to ourselves what our thought process was as we went through the book. You find yourself making verbal all the subconscious and almost automatic processes that go into good, critical reading. The idea is that in the end this type of modeling will help lower reading students understand how to better interpret text. I adopted this approach to writing and have had great results. I force my students to think out every process of analyzing a quote and it has helped them make stronger, more concrete connections. I am curious as to what others think about this idea. Is it too labor intensive and systematic, or does it work?
-James Coccaro
Hello Nicole,
I think you raise some very interesting points regarding Young and Berkenkotter. I believe Berkenkotter's purpose for her essay is to explore how a student develops into a academic research writing community and explains to her audience just how difficult this process is. She also takes into consideration her student's academic background and their community life which molds them as a thinker. Berkentkotter also developed four assumptions and procedures analyzing the key elements that create and develop a research community that is primarily grounded on them doing research on how to become better researchers. What I gained from these articles is that it takes time to be an authority in an academic discourse community that starts from birth when you firs hear and learn the english language. We are constantly learning an evolving to become better writers and readers.
Hello Scarpa,
I agree with what you are saying regarding Young's ideas on implementing writing across the curriculum. Students need to be constantly reading and writing because that is a skill that used the most in everyday life. When a student steps outside the classroom he/she is constantly reading from the subway map to the restaurant menu, and used writing to fill out job applications. So Young makes a great point about writing being so important for a student both in and outside the classroom. Berkenkotter is a little redundant to me, but she explains how a student develops into a academic discourse community from elementary school to graduate school and how each is a stepping stone to grasping new reading and writing skills. The problem is which Young discusses is that sometimes students do not get enough from just one english class and do not gain the skill necessary for a writing program at Carnegie Mellon like Nate in the Berkenkotter article. If we want our students to be more competitive and transition easily into the collegiate academic research writing community, we must implement WAC principles and not settle for their mediocrity. Pushing students beyond even our expectations.
Second Post
Hello Falyn,
As I read your post I could not help but agree with your wise words that children read everywhere and anywhere, even when it is not necessarily in an academic setting. This has always been one of my main goals when teaching: to help students become better readers, even if all they are going to read is a menu, or a contract, or a newspaper. I find it very sad that many adults cannot follow instructions or an article in a magazine because they have poor reading skills. Many of my students are bound for academic greatness, and a few are not. Regardless, I hope that all of them walkway with the ability to read and comprehend anything they come across, regardless of their future endeavors. Just knowing how to read for information is one of the most important skill sets a person can have. Watching someone struggle to fill out a form is unsettling, and I hope the reading skills I teach will allow my students to avoid such pitfalls in the future.
-James Coccaro
It is funny you should saw why is language being neglected now. I spent some time in Sicily, Italy and became close with one of the locals and he asked me what was my major in college and when I told him english he seemed very perplexed because we spoke english as a native language how can we study it also. My point is their college is free and they are taught two languages spanish and english and can speak it quite fluently. We speak english natively and are taught it but a lot of students struggle with reading, writing, and communication. Speech Pathology has become a booming business lately and my question is why is that? Does is go as deep as prenatal care and the food we eat that America is breeding students that can not function independently in an academic setting, and all we are doing is blaming the student. They are this and that but we need to blame America as a whole because our practices governing our students is based on capitalism. As long as each student needs extra resources to learn someone is capitalizing off of their short comings.
Thank you for responding to my post. I appreciate you taking the time to read through my gibberish and make some sense of it.
To answer your direct questions, I agree that blogging is a writing to learn activity. At the same time, we are learning to write. Just being able to put your thoughts into words can be a daunting task for many people, even those who are articultate speakers can find the act of writing their words intimidating. This setting, where one can misspell, mis-grammar, and totally bend the rules of writing is an excellent place to have people work on gettng their words into the physical realm of print.
The activity you describe later on, about describing aloud how you work through a reading or writing is something I did in a class last semester. I initially baulked at the idea, it sounded stupid to me...this "making meaning" of our reading. But I was pleasantly surpised to discover that it was actually a good activity to use to help guide students into the world of literature.
What a lot of our young people do not realize is that once you are out in the world of commerce, trying to make a living, communication skills are vital. You can be an incredibly intelligent person, but if you cannot express yourself at a level deemed appropriate by the higher powers of your situation, you are perceived as "less than" or as a non-intelligent candidate.
Our nation places a high value on public perception of intelligence, which most people take on a first impresison basis via communication skills.
If we can teach our young people to value literature and the thought processes that go into reading and writing and communication in general, I believe we will have an overall better populace.
Falyn –
I think what you are pointing to is almost beyond the scope of this course: you are pointing to a global political/ecomonic/educational discussion that can quickly devolve into a finger pointing discourse.
I agree that our education system has become a a breeding ground for capitalism, but one of the points of an education system is also to teach our young people how the society they are in works. From there they can decide how to respnd to it.
Also, we are in a place in our development where we are finding many students with a vast multitude of disabilities, and to deny them an education because of those disabilities is not right…so what do we do… neglect those students t lessen the capitalistic nature of the beast, or do we make sure that everyone receives the best education they can?
I do not think our system is perfect, and there are plenty of systems out there that are better… or worse. I do think that by us having these kind of low stakes conversations, we are opening new avenues of learning in ourselves, so we can aid those students we encounter with aspure a sense of “education for all” as possible.
I agree with what many of you had to say. I too agree that communication both inside and outisde the classroom is very important. I also agree that no one way of teaching is tool proof when it comes to reaching students. I think young had made a great point in that literacy is one of the most iportant tools we can send our students out into the world with however Falyn brings up the issue of persons with learning differences. Which brings me to the Berkenkotter. I agree with Falyn when she said that if we do not give the students enought to work witht then the foundation which we are to build on is weak or non-exsistant. I agree with Berkenkotter but I don't know just how fesable it is to impliment these expectations when we are expected to teach kids to navagate Reagents exams?
The reading I wanted to focus on is David R. Russell’s “Where do the Naturalistic Studies of WAC/WID Point?” What I found interesting about what Russell was saying was the idea that when we teach writing to a population we never really address all aspects of writing nor are we able to fully prepare students for the various genres of writing that they might encounter. Russell also site a collection of different authors who discussed their thoughts about how to engage students as writers. The part of this that I found to be the most interesting was when Russell said, “writing is not a single generalizable skill… learned once and for all at an early age…” (P260) Russell says this in both the beginning and the end of this piece the emphasis of which I too thought important. Russell also goes on to say “faculty have been socialized in a discipline, they often assume that students share their perceptions and expectations about writing…” (P287)
When we ask our students to write a paper many times the response to that would be something like us asking them to ingest some foul creation that surfaced from the bowels of the school cafeteria. I wonder how much of the discontent is related to how we present or don’t present our expectations and perceptions of their writing. Have we come to expect droll papers that barely meet the criteria for a passing grade? Have we not presented our expectations in a non threatening way with low stakes writing assignments to break them into producing what it is we expect? And with these expectations and perceptions have we glossed over the fact that they still need to learn to write and the idea for each class they enter into they need to reinvent how they write? I wonder if writing across the curriculum might be making writing in general overwhelming and confusing because it is too many genre’s to master all at one time?
Mr. James Eugenio:
Thank-you for your comment on my post. In my only philosophy class, I remember the readings as the monster that needed to be mastered. I don’t remember minding the writing at all. Nonetheless, I know what you’re trying to say about abstract ideas being made concrete in writing. This is a difficult task, and one that requires deep concentration. This is the point of so many of these essays; writing is thinking deeply.
As for Ed, right or wrong, I was amazed at the spectrum of suggestions that Young listed as possible remedies for Ed’s mixed up essay. Ed’s essay needed to commit to a point-of-view, and for this reason, I like Young’s suggestion that Ed write a statement of purpose to his instructor. In this proposal, Ed would have to state his purpose, identify his audience, and outline an organizational scheme. Doing all of this a second time would probably repair his essay although sometimes we just need to listen to how we really feel. In the NY Times a few weeks ago, there was a scary article about the future of AI. I have no doubt in my mind that there are men who will not rest until we give free choice to a machine, and God help us if that machine is a drone like the ones flying over Afghanistan. Why must man exploit everything to the hilt? You see, I’m helping Ed straighten out his essay. Young also suggested that Ed write a poem about his subject. This might have got him thinking clearly, too.
Thanks again,
Naiomi- When reading your thoughts on the reactions to writing assignments I must agree that the way we put out the information and expectations must play an integral role in their reception. Students given low stakes assignments, like a journal or project based assignment seem more willing to complete the task than a student given an essay. Just the other day I assigned my class a pamplet to create on a sporting event. It was extremely detailed and required them to research certain statistics. They loved it and thought it was so easy. This week I assigned a reflection paper on act two of Macbeth and you would think I tried to rip their arms off. It's all in their perception of work.
I do think that the author is correct in saying that “writing is not a single generalizable skill… learned once and for all at an early age…” (P260) because it is not. Learners of all ages and levels must constantly adapt to new forms of writing. This class made me personally learn a new style of writing through blogging. Blogging is being used to serve a purpose of explaining what we have learned and absorbed from the readings.
Rosemarie, I think you did a good job in finding the importance of this weeks readings. We can all assume that writing and comunicationg go hand in hand, but to detail and specify why is another story. SOmetimes we get tounge tide and don't know how to express our thoughts- or communication skills. You quoted Young- “One way to think about the classroom uses of writing is to consider writing as a valuable tool for learning as well as for communication” (9).I think this is imporatant as well. Since we have been discussing in class whether or not English (wriying) should be taught in other class disciplines as well, this seems to help us answer that question, as communication (therefore writing) is needed in every subject.
You mentioned that in your classroom your students personality comes out in their writing. I find that intresting that you noticed that, because I, as a future teacher, wondered if students will have trouble coming out and expressing themselves on paper, as I always thought writing was a good way for me in particular to communicate my emotions, culture, and so on. It is refreshing to hear that students ge the idea of writing that way. Of course I am sure not everyone!
In “Non Designs Design Book” we see numerous and creative ways to communicate with words. Keeping creative exercises not only the students minds, but ours as well! This gives us plenty of opportunities to stay on our toes and keep us awake! I enjoyed this as well and absolutley see your point on communication and writing coinsiding.
As I commented on Rosemarie's blog, I see that McNiff had similar thoughts about writing being with culture and life as well. McNiff, you quoted "writing is clearly not a single, autonomous skill.... And writing in formal schooling can prepare - or fail to prepare - people for a lifetime of involvements in modern culture..." (WACNM, p. 265).
I'm glad we had the same thought.
You didn't agree with Rosemarie in terms of students opening up on paper. My blog response to her was how I found that useful to know, but I find it intresting that that you debated on that. I see your points. You say that, you know that when you write you change according to your audience. I agree with that, as I too do teh same. And again I agree that students may not conduct the material and shed "personality" through their findings and recordings (writings) on it. But Don't you think there is a hint of the student's writing style in any work they may do? Whether academic or freelancing? Not fully of course, but maybe just a little0 as style can be broken down into another word for personality as well. But I would have to say that overall after reading your thoughts on it- I would have to say that I, for the most part, agree.
I do agree with your connection to the English Regent. The different types of responses needed on the exam truely fit the writing to learn premise.
Also the part where you commented on students needing to be actively participating could not be more true. A student must be actively engaged in the lesson in order to benefit from it.
I also believe the students learning what a writer's "voice" is it imperative for them to become active participants in this discourse. A writer needs to understand that his/her soul can go into each piece of writing they create. Students are constantly rushing through life, especially schoolwork. The rushed mentality leaves little room for their voice to come through. As facilitators we should be promoting the voice in our students to come out through low stakes writing during class time. Hopefully this will evoke some deeper feeling for the process we call writing
Second Post
Dear Ann,
I am glad that you share some of the same thoughts as myself and Ms. Scarpa. I too believe it is very hard to write about something unfamiliar to us. As individuals it is also natural for us to want to write about things we feel comfortable with and can relate to. It is sort of like second nature. Why would someone want to write about something they know nothing about? Could they write about something they don’t know about? Well yes, they can research unfamiliar things and then in turn write about them, but why would students want to take that extra step?
I really like your journal writing assignment and having your students step into the characters’ role. I love how you have them take on the characters role to express their thoughts on that character as well as have them pull proof from the text to do so. This helps them to express their views, use their writer’s voice but with support from the text. In addition, I do believe it is a good assessment opportunity for you to use, and it seems like it will be fun for the students to do.
I also agree with you when you said, “We try to stimulate the thinking process with various forms of writing practices (write to learn), use critical thinking with the Critical Lens section of the test (writing to communicate) and then use facts from several works of literature to support their critical understanding and persuade the reader.” You said this well. I do believe it relates to Young’s chart.
You seem to draw connections well between the readings and your own classroom. I like how “into” you are.
You said, “Lastly, there should be a writing process which allows the students to learn how to write, edit, reflect on their writing and enough time to rewrite before the final paper is due.” This is very important to me and my students as well. Students should have as much time and opportunity to write and rewrite and draft and reflect as often as possible because as we know writing is a continuous process; never ending. You learn more as you go, and it takes much time to produce a well written piece.
BLog # 8 Blog 8
First Post
The chapter on "Communication Across the Curriculum" by Young describes what CAC entails. Communication across the Curriculum is similar to WAC but recognizes the importance of oral communication, visual communication, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-based learning, and other active leaning strategies (55). I believe this is very important to include in a classroom because you are challenging a student to use every aspect of their mind to promote learning. There is no set way to teach students so If you incorporate many different strategies you can reach more students. Many students will find it boring to write about a newspaper article, and those students can use their visual communication skills by writing about a picture in the newspaper rather than reading.
Chapter 3 of WACNM discusses how electronic communication tools are reshaping and expanding academic instruction, adding dimensions of learning not possible in the traditional way of getting students to learn. Do you think using electronics to promote learning is useful? What problems may students have with using electronics in the classroom?
I found it quite ironic that Kress' article English at the Crossroads, discusses how visual media and print has changed over the year and how it effects its audience, and the article itself was visually impairing to read because it was sideways. I am not that computer savvy and do not know how to rotate a web browser window. Maybe electronics should have been implemented more when I was in grade school. Anyhow I believe this article was very interesting because I never really analyzed or even considered how visual media effects people. According to Kress, "The visual is becoming more prominent in many domains of public communication. This is to realize that written language is being displaced from its hitherto unchallenged central position in the semiotic landscape, and that the visual is taking over many of the functions of written language" (68).
I fell like there was so much information on this section of readings that It was to much to cover in just one 450 word blog.
Do you think that WAC should be replaced by Communication across the Curriculum and Electronic Communication Across the Communication, since this the world is becoming more computer savvy and more a more college students are using distant learning for higher education?
Do you think learning the fundamentals of writing will become obsolete with the advancement of auto summary, spell check and proof reader?
I enjoyed reading Young’s chapter on “Communication Across the Curriculum,” not only was it interesting to read about, but it was also very useful for us as future teachers. I completely agree with you when you state “[CAC] is very important to include in a classroom because you are challenging a student to use every aspect of their mind to promote learning.” I also believe that CAC is essential. I really like the example you chose to include concerning the newspaper. It demonstrates how different students possess different learning styles.
To answer your first question concerning Chapter 3 of WACNM, I definitely believe that using electronics to promote learning is useful in the classroom. Technology only seems to improve and simplify our lives as time progresses. However, there are some problems which students may encounter when using electronics in the classroom. For example, some students may be at a great disadvantage if they do not have similar electronics available to them at home or in their neighborhood. Therefore, those students will be much less familiar with the use of these electronics than other students who are more advantaged and familiar with them. They will automatically be left behind other students who are more advantaged, which may cause an unfair imbalance in the classroom. The best way to approach this potential problem is to conduct mandatory training classes prior to using the electronics in the classroom. This way all students have an equal opportunity to succeed and gain from these assistive technologies and all students have a fair starting point from where to begin to approach these new technologies.
I enjoyed reading Kress’ article “English at a Crossroads.” I was aware of the impact which visual media has on people prior to reading this article; however I still found it to be interesting. I like the quote which you chose to include in your blog, which states “The visual is becoming more prominent in many domains of public communication. This is to realize that written language is being displaced from its hitherto unchallenged central position in the semiotic landscape, and that the visual is taking over many of the functions of written language" (68). I definitely agree with this quote to a certain extent. For example, nowadays, companies tend to lean toward visually pleasing marketing strategies, such as billboards, magazine ads, and commericials, which all use more visuals and less written language. However, I do not agree completely because I believe that the written word will always have its place in public communication, take Facebook and other social networking sites for example. I believe they equally incorporate visuals, audio-visuals, links, and the written word on these sites. Each is equally important for site users and viewers.
(Continued in the next comment)
To answer your question “Do you think that WAC should be replaced by Communication across the Curriculum and Electronic Communication Across the Communication, since this the world is becoming more computer savvy and more [and] more college students are using distant learning for higher education?” No, I do not think that WAC should be "replaced" by CAC and ECAC. Here I am focusing on the word “replaced.” I do not believe that it should replace WAC. I do believe that both CAC and ECAC should fuse together with WAC and should be implemented in classrooms and schools. However, I also believe that WAC is still essential and should not be completely replaced. Although, technology is a very prominent fixture in our society today, I believe that other different forms of writing are still equally significant. Of course it is important for students today to become computer savvy, however it is also still important for them to know how to take written notes, fill out written forms, fill out checks, and etcetera. And my question in response to this issue is, although we can “write”/type almost anything on a computer, do we want to? Is every type of document easier and/or more convenient to create on a computer? For example, song writers, yes, they can write songs on a computer, however is jotting down song lyrics or music notes in a notebook at the side of the bed, in the middle of the night more convenient? Does tradition of written documents play a role in our perspective of the written document?
And finally, to answer your last question, No, I absolutely do not think that learning the fundamentals of writing will become obsolete with the advancement of auto summary, spell check and proof reader, at least not any time soon in my opinion. As we all know from personal experience auto-correct programs are nowhere near accurate as of yet. Take Microsoft Word’s grammar correction, how often are those correct? Another very valid example, which I can provide is the auto summary which professor Muhlhauser demonstrated for us in class the other day. How much important information was that summary missing? And can we even call that a summary? New technologies and electronics are wonderful and useful creations, however I personally do not believe we can rely solely on them as of yet.
Rachael Albanese
I liked what you had to say about Kress. As a student, you cannot help but notice that textbooks have become more visual. I have an 11 year old sister and her textbooks have more and more graphs and charts in them. Even Young used a chart to emphasize his ideas. The Non- Designers Design Book is all about making the world visually stimulating. I too did not agree that the visual will come to dominate communication. There are some things that just cannot be communicated through visual sources. That would be like playing Pictionary 24/7. The written word will always have a place.
I think this furthers the Falyn and your idea that ECAC will not completely replace WAC. I think you made a good point about some types of writing being easier to physically write than typing them. Computers have built into them the ability to make things too easy. Falyn’s point about autosummary, and spell check are legitimate. When students have to write in-class essays, how many of them spell words wrong or have an aversion to comma placement. Young and Reiss say that the classroom is the middle ground. I think ECAC is a great for at home assignments. The computer is a great tool. However, I think WAC will always have its place in the classroom. WAC emphasizes the importance of writing tools and where else are these to be learned if not in the classroom? ECAC, it seems to me, is helpful for those who already have the ability to write well. ECAC is an extension of WAC and that is why I think WAC will not be replaced by ECAC.
As far as Kress and his ideas, and your comments I very much agree with you. Why are these textbooks becoming more visual? Is it so students dont have to read as much. is it dumbing down the curriculum per say? I think reading, writing, and communicating is the best way to have a productive class, and I believe Young would agree. He is all about communicating in the classroom and writing to communicate and writing to learn, and his chart on page 57 is a great resource to follow as far as bringing writing across the curriculum into every classroom. Seeing this visually is sometimes a good aid in the classroom, but to depend on it for teaching may not be so effective.
Classrooms are most definitely the middle ground to agree with you and Falyn. It's a place where you should be able to write freely with some in class assignments, and also be able to have either peer or teacher comments to go over and learn your mistakes. That way you can see what you're doing wrong and why it's wrong, where as on a computer it just corrects it and you may not even know why it was wrong to begin with.
I also agree with Nicoll, that ECAC will not ever fully replace WAC, ECAC is more using technology across the curriculum, which I think is great. Technology is a great way to get the students doing different things with writing, and a great way to bring something new into the classroom. Students can easily get bored with the same daily routines like lecturing and tediously copying notes from the blackboard, so bringing something else like smart boards and videos, and educational websites can be something new and different for the students to get their hands on.WAC has it's own important features that ECAC can never fully get its hand on inside or outside the classroom. It practices tools on writing in different subjects, ECAC's major function is to get technology in every classroom. It is important to use technology in every classroom, although it may physically replace writing in some classrooms, it will never actually take the place of writing in a general sense, nor replace the idea of writing across the curriculum. Whether you're typing or handwriting something, you're still writing nonetheless.
My Second Post
Thank you for engaging with and elaborating on my ideas. I think you did an excellent job of coming up with additional examples of how “the visual has become more prominent in many domains of public communication.” I particularly like the example of how your younger sister’s textbooks are more visual and incorporate more and more graphs and charts. I like this example because it demonstrates how the visual has even become more significant in the domain of education. I also like the example of how The Non-Designers Design Book aims to teach how to create visual stimulation. I like this example because it applies directly to all of us in this course, in the sense that we can all relate to this example because we are all reading the same book.
I am glad to see that you also did not agree that the visual will come to dominate communication and that you also believe that the written word will always have its place.
I am also glad that you agree that some forms of writing are easier to physically write than type. I thought that I might have gotten challenged on that point. It is good to see my speculations confirmed by someone else.
I agree with you when you say that “[you] think ECAC is great for at home assignments.” I do think so as well. They seem better for at home assignments because of the ease and speed with which students can send/post their assignments to share with other students and or the teacher. Computers and other electronics are good assistive tools. However, I do not think that they should be the only source of educational support. I believe that students should learn how to find useful information from other sources, such as interviewing actual people and visiting actual places.
I definitely agree with you when you state “I think WAC will always have its place in the classroom. WAC emphasizes the importance of writing tools and where else are these to be learned if not in the classroom?” This is exactly right!
And the last line of your blog, “ECAC, it seems to me, is helpful for those who already have the ability to write well. ECAC is an extension of WAC and that is why I think WAC will not be replaced by ECAC,” is exactly what I was trying to say in my first blog post! I couldn’t agree more and I could not have said it better myself.
Rachael Albanese
I agree will Nicoll that we do not want to overlook reading when it comes to teaching our students.All these visual aids are nice, but they cannot take the place of the written word.We don`t want to dumb down our students, and teach them like they can only learn if we give them cool pictures to look at.I think it is important to teach the students to use there own imagination while reading to create their own pictures. I don`t have anything against visual aids or technology for that matter, but they can be used too much. The most powerful tools in the world are the written and spoken word and we must stop minimizing them by putting such attention on technology and visual aids.If you teach your students like they are dumb, if will become a self fulfilled prophecy.
Hello Everyone,
I am going to jump around a bit on the comments I have read so far. I have also noticed that textbooks are using images and graphs much more. I think there are positives to this addition. In the first place I think it is overwhelming and a turnoff for students to sit and stare at a page with just text on it. Graphics break up the text as well as provide the student with a different level of analysis for the material. Many times the picture will be an authentic photo which can be used to expand the students thought process and focus for a certain topic. Tables also allow for students to become familiar with information being presented to them in that fashion. When students enter the real world numbers and statistics are presented in tables and it can be confusing to understand if they are not exposed to it in school. I do not think the textbook writers added these things to dumb down information, instead I think they are trying give the students a variety of resources to learn from.
Communication is essential for a student to grow. I do not think it is possible for writing to be completely taken out. I do think that writing has taken on different forms with the use of computers. We are dealing with a generation that only knows life with the computer/ gaming lifestyle. Kindergarden students are learning how to use a calculator before anything else in math. This new way of life is something educators need to embrace. As was mentioned, the spell check from Word is not always correct. It is important that as educators we show our students the positives and negatives in these programs. we all know that students, both young and old, are going to use these programs, what we need to do is give them the skills they need to use them successfully.
- Schirripa
Hello to everyone,
Reading everyone's comments really got me thinking about many different ideas and helped me to form my own opinion. First I want to comment on Schirripa when she says that she has noticed textbooks adding in more graphs, and images. It gives students a break with the words on the page and they are able to see the information instead of reading the information. There are different styles of learning and the ones who fall into the category of being "visual" learners it helps them to retain the information they are learning
On the contrary to my opinion I want to comment on Nicoll. I believe also that we do not want to overlook reading and writing when it comes to teaching students. The visual aids are helpful, but they also might be distracting. Pictures are important but it depends on what grade you are teaching.
Personally as a future teacher I want to add visual aids into my curriculum because when used properly it can have a positive effect on students. Educators need to come up with a way where their is a balance between written and visual work.
=) Civitano
Schirripa and Civitano,
I have a couple of question I thought of when I was reading your entries. They aren't just for you if anyone wants to brainstorm and give some input. Kathy you mention this idea of Kindergarden kids already learning to use a calculator before, pretty much, learning how to read and write. This is obviously not a good way to get future students thinking. To just put numbers into a machine and getting a product without knowing where or how you've reached this product isn't going to teach anyone at all. In WACNM Reiss and Young introduce this idea of Learning to Write Online, but is learning to write online as important as learning to write? Does it aid in the learning to write process? I think keeping online journals, and maybe blogs is a great way to learning to write online, but does it help any better than writing in a hard copy such as a journal or notebook?
Then you have Kress who has a focus of using visuals. The visual is becoming more prominent in many domains of public communication. This is to realize that written language is being displaced from its hitherto unchallenged central position in the semiotic landscape, and that the visual is taking over many of the functions of written language" (68). Albanese also use this quote, and I think the reason is because it's so important in understanding his point of view. Using pictures to teach in lower grades are more helpful, you see Yellow and you now know yellow, you see a circle shape, and they will affiliate that shape with oranges and the sun. As you get older pictures aren't as effective as words. In science graphs and diagrams can aid in the learning process, but can't be fully depended on. A picture is only so good without the words to assist. Can a student learn only using text and no pictures? I do think the visuals are important, but in my opinion they are not AS important as the text itself. I don't think relying on the visuals is going to really teach anyone anything? Does anyone agree? Is a radio commercial that you hear only the words as effective as a commercial you see on TV? Is watching a movie about a book as effective as actually reading the book? I don't think I will ever fully agree that the visuals are truly that important, call me crazy.
Dear Donald Ritter:
I couldn’t agree with you more, Don, that it’s all happening in the mind. That’s what real literature is about, and let me say now, that in my response to you, I am mainly referring and critiquing Kress.
Kress believes and rightly so, that textbooks have become more visual, and he argues that literacy in general has become more visual. He is right, but the lamentable thing about this is this: Is this new visual literacy understood? If I flash a series of historical images before you, how do I know that you have understood them? (I mean you rhetorically, not personally). Perhaps the ease of looking at pictures has fooled us into thinking that these images have been interpreted and understood. In point of fact, we educators must rely on language, especially written language to insure that our students are understanding photographs, paintings, and films.
This goes for music videos as well. Supposedly, the inane series of images that assault our senses have some meaning, but I cannot see a student’s cognitive understanding, just as I cannot see a student’s thinking when he reads literature. I need written proof that the student can understand, interpret themes, and write coherently and lucidly.
Here comes a roundhouse right out of left field (how’s that for a mixed metaphor?): Shall we just give up and say goodbye to Tolstoy and Keats in favor of visuals that we cannot even be sure our students understand? Also, it is laughable to think that we are going to map out a future curriculum in today’s fast paced world. If you go back and look at the predictions in the 1960s of how our world would look today, you’ll get a good laugh. We must focus the reading and writing of literature.
Thanks, Garth
Thank you Garth for your response. I agree with you 100 percent.The only reason we know anything about our past, is because people have written it down many moons ago. Communicating through writing gives a person a chance at immortality.It gives the writer a chance to outlive their heart beat. Why have we forgotten people like Tolstoy? Why do we assume our students are not interested. There are even more modern day writers like George Jackson that we can teach our students about. The man wrote several books on toilet paper in a prision cell. He did this, because they wouldn`t give him paper.What better way to prove to your students that one`s voice can never be hidden, if you are determined to let it be heard.
There is no boring reading material, only boring ways to teach it. Each piece of literature is a story about a soul trying to make some sense out of this chaotic world. Literature is truly the epitiny of WAC. That is because each piece of literature tells you about history, sociology, english, and many other content areas.We don`t need to run away from lierature, because we want to use technology more, or because we want pretty pictures to show our students. We need to embrace the written word, because without it we are doomed to be forgotten.
Blog 8: Post # 2
I agree with what you are saying about Kress and that textbooks have become more visual. I believe visual images changes the way in which we udnerstand things, and literature in particular. Without such images our minds are open to our own interpretation our own visual thoughts that our imagination and knowlegde leads us to find and discover on its own. I believe visual images can sometimes be less effective than pure literature. While images sometimes help us to better understand things, we lose the sense of originality. For example, when reading a book, any book, in my mind I picture my own way that the story is unfolding. AN author may describe a character whatever that may be but the way I think of this person is my interpretations based on the description I read. Weither it is right or wrong it is what I have discovered, imagined, or found to be true. Sometimes pictures can be confusing,and/or distracting.
Garth, I think the proper mix of visual images and texts make a good combination. But the same way words selected, its appropriate to try to pick the best pictures that help to compliment the text not make them more confusing. Students today, especially mine, are big visual learners. They like to see examples, pictures, graphs, charts etc to help them better understand. If it is appropriate and fits according to the material and the outcome you as the teacher want to reach then go for it, use visualization as a helpful tool. But I would be care in the selecting process, and how often they are used. We definitely do not want students and lazier then they already are. haha
- Moody
Blog 8: Post 2
Dear Rachael,
I do not think that WAC should be replaced by CAC and ECAC. I think it is important to have both courses. I do not like the word "replaced" because I think WAC is very helpful and important to have. While it is important to keep up with the changes in technology it is also important to not forget the other tools we used that were once considered technology to us. For example, The spell checker feature has caused me, who was once a great speller to be a horrible speller. Call it laziness or what you want, but I became spoiled by the feature, I use it all the time, and now I forget how to spell the common words I should know!
I think to have WAC, CAC, and ECAC is a good idea, but replacing one for the other is not as good.
Writing changes when shifting from a pen and paper to a computer. It is different. I know first hand that my work changes when I write on a computer. I alter my work much more frequently when on a computer than if I used a pen and paper, and frankly the outcome of my work shifts. Maybe its a good thing, but maybe not, I won't know because I barely use a pen and paper anymore except to write out a grocery list.
Technology is something that continuously changes, and it is improtant to make sure our students keep up because we wouldnt want them falling behind, plus we want them to learn as much as they can with a broad variety of information, but it is important to remember the other ways in which we did things before the fancy technology can into exsistance.
Previously, technology assisted and aided us in daily activities, but now I believe it is started to do many of the things we use to do , for us. Moderation. Everything must be in moderatiom. Do you agree? technology is good, as long as we dont forget how to do things for ourselves. Would you agree? Electronic communication makes it easier for us sometimes, but other forms are equally important. Replacing WAC is a no no in my book, but adding the other courses isn't a bad thing either. What do you think? I believe we should give people the option, don't take one away.
Dear Don & Dana,
Thank-you both for responding to my post. I appreciated your feedback, and it bolstered my resolve. Don, you ask a very good question; why do we assume our students aren’t interested in literature. I sometimes wonder why we educators make excuses for reading books as if we have committed some kind of sin. Perhaps our students are more visual, but this does not have to be mutually exclusive with text. Here in NYC I see people reading everywhere I go, and some are reading kindle (sp?) books. The more it changes the more it stays the same as the French say. Again, I agree with you that literature is not boring, but it can be taught in boring ways, and I guess that’s our challenge; to find exciting ways to teach it and bring the students into it.
Dana, I agree with you that a supplied image to a literary character can often ruin the character you have already created in your mind’s eye, for very often; the mind creates a more interesting character. But that is what they are starting now. Online books that will have short filmed segments. Did you read about this yet? It was in the Times a few weeks ago, and maybe this would be the proper mix of visual images and text you seek or are mentioning. Years ago, I read an article in Film Comment entitled, “Now, Read the Film.” The opposite of what we are talking about here, but another way to look at the marriage of text and image. But I can accept electronic books with filmed segments without too much groaning. At least we will still be reading.
Finally, I will sign off with a quote from the WACNM on page 78 if anybody is looking for something to comment on: “It is not the computer, of course, that challenges the student, but the computer-supported activity designed and guided by an instructor whose ‘prompts’ lead students to fruitful inquiry, research, synthesis, and collaborative writing” (Reiss & Young).
I am not sure if I am writing this in the correct place, but I wanted to be sure to complete the assignment in time for the deadline.
As for my reflection on this style of blogging I must say that I did enjoy it, and I believe my intermediate and high school students would benefit from this format. On contrary, I think it has its flaws because in a sense it limits the students to comment on strictly what the person before them has posted and wrote about. For example, if student "A" wrote only about a small portion of a chapter, it limits student "B" from writing an in depth response about the chapter due to the small amount of information provided by the student who posted before him or her and in this case it would be student "A".
Another flaw with this blogging format is that in order for a student to complete the assignment and blog correctly he or she must first wait for a student to post a blog, and then wait again for a student to respond to their blog before posting a response to their comments. I found myself stuck sometimes because I logged in to post too early in the week when noone had posted, and then I found myself forgetting to check back in to see if the first person had posted yet. In addition, it's a lot of back and forth. I personally like to do my work in one shot and get it over and done with. With this style of blogging I had to post something and wait for someone to reply to it, iin certain situations that can take days to get a response causing me to have to wait to do the second half of the assignment.
Those 2 flaws can really work to the students disadvantage and as a result cause them to be "turned off" from the assignment altogether. I understand first hand how the waiting is can be a bit annoying.
But I am a fan of the general idea of posting based on other students blogs and I like the chain reaction idea too.
I am not sure if I am writing this in the correct place, but I wanted to be sure to complete the assignment in time for the deadline.
As for my reflection on this style of blogging I must say that I did enjoy it, and I believe my intermediate and high school students would benefit from this format. On contrary, I think it has its flaws because in a sense it limits the students to comment on strictly what the person before them has posted and wrote about. For example, if student "A" wrote only about a small portion of a chapter, it limits student "B" from writing an in depth response about the chapter due to the small amount of information provided by the student who posted before him or her and in this case it would be student "A".
Another flaw with this blogging format is that in order for a student to complete the assignment and blog correctly he or she must first wait for a student to post a blog, and then wait again for a student to respond to their blog before posting a response to their comments. I found myself stuck sometimes because I logged in to post too early in the week when noone had posted, and then I found myself forgetting to check back in to see if the first person had posted yet. In addition, it's a lot of back and forth. I personally like to do my work in one shot and get it over and done with. With this style of blogging I had to post something and wait for someone to reply to it, iin certain situations that can take days to get a response causing me to have to wait to do the second half of the assignment.
Those 2 flaws can really work to the students disadvantage and as a result cause them to be "turned off" from the assignment altogether. I understand first hand how the waiting is can be a bit annoying.
But I am a fan of the general idea of posting based on other students blogs and I like the chain reaction idea too.
Dana Moody
I am posting my reflection on here to make it easier because I don't know what is going on with my blogspot account. When comparing all three blogging criterias, I have to say that this method was my least favorite. I found it to cause unnecessary confusion. It was similar to the letter to partner blogging on our page but with the added twist of every classmates blog on one page, and of course the responding to the previous writer. I didn't enjoy this at all- in fact I found it more fustrating. Out of all three I think I liked the letter to partner the best and this the least. The second obviously being the 2X journaling. If internet writing was the main focus then I would not really complain, but I feel we have enough internet ideas swarming around our heads. But hey at least it was an expierence- right?
Blog 8
Schirripa- when refering to the "visual" learning styles I agree with seeing as well as reading helps the student "get a break" from text book mumbo jumbo. As a student now and a student back then, I too preferred the table or graph with the information reather than words. It helped me to study in ways that can more easily be remebered. And to Moody and Garth- i see that you both agree to (Kress). And Moody- you say that the visualization should be limited because of the laziness involved- I agree. Yes, it is a good way to remember things, but then again we cannot always have "too much" of a good thing. Students minds needs to be challanged as well. Having graphs, charts, ect layed out for them all the time is obviously not working out their brains. So yes I agree with that part and still remain firm in agreeing with all of you that visualization is overall a good thing.
Dear Rosemarie:
I agree with the idea that writing and communication goes hand in hand. I also liked the fact that Young wrote for all teachers because writing is done in every subject and course.
It's a shame that students too often write just for the assignment and they don't feel the need to take the time to put their true thoughts on paper. When I say true thoughts, I mean to say that alot of students for a lack of a better word bullshit their teachers by given them what they want to hear.
I always write to communicate because I am one of the students who sits in the back and says nothing, therefore writing is my only form of communicating most of the time. I believe in writing as a form of communication but I honestly believe that the implementation of it is difficult when the students are accustomed to their ways of getting around assignments.
re: Psomas and Moody
I agree that visuals are a good source to have when reading. As Moody says too much of it can shift a student to just looking at the tables, hence, laziness kicking in and taking over. I usually come up with my own charts, graphs, etc to remember key points in any reading assignment. I think that it is crucial to teach our students to put the words they read in a simplier format so that they can use it to remember key facts in their reading. It is a way to take notes in a creative way and visuals do help students retain information.
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