Monday, January 1, 2007


you may not know this but I am in my fourth semester of the PhD program Rhet/Comp. I have a couple areas of interest regarding my dissertation topic.

One of the ideas regards how the body is created, manipulated, managed through rhetoric by examining egg and sperm “donation” websites.  My favorite is

The other idea regards cell-phones—their uses, meanings, and rhetorics.  I reckon I am obsessed with the “need” being manufactured for these cybernetic devices and what they mean to current notions (rhetorics) of public and private.

Through this course, I hope to develop these topics with regards to how non-dominant cultures are discursively responding and adapting to these technologies.  I am also interested in developing a cell-phone pedagogy—not sure what I mean, yet.


Andres, JCT said...

ONce a week? Hah, more like once a year. update this you freaky hot stuff sandwich

Barbara Monroe said...

Dunno about cell phone pedagogies (I do know that they're being systematically banned in schools), but I think you're onto something important, inquiring as to their rhetorics, etc. especially or inclusive of nondominant groups.

I also see a connection between your interest in "body" rhetorics and cell-phone, at least in a McLuhanese sense: "media as an extension of man."

Gotta ask: how did you do these terrific images? cellphone camera perhaps?